Friday, March 19, 2010

{Raincoats} and Flip Flops

Today is fridddday! Are you excited? Because I am! :) This morning I woke up at 7 and decided that I needed to sleep more so I went back to sleep until 8:30 and then showered and got ready. I had big plans to do a lot of homework this morning which did NOT happen. But that's okay I did tons yesterday. Instead I spent the morning getting ready, watching gilmore girls(which was spectacular), eating peanut butter and honey on toast and playing guitar. It was a very successful morning minus the no homework getting done. I have a test today...which should be interesting...I'm not exactly sure what is supposed to be on it, which is what makes it interesting. So my friend Alyssa, Laura and myself are going to study at Greenhouse before the test to figure out what is going on...and then I'm going home! yay! I'm hanging out with Tamara this evening which should be spectacular! and then after my friend Hailey is coming home from England so I'm going to pop in and say Hi! :) I'm super pumped!

My dad is in Orlando this week/weekend so I'm going to hang out with my mom quite a bit and go to Kid's Zone and the Dinner Theatre. On sunday It's my nephew Birthday so we'll probably party with them again.. and yup! That's pretty much my weekend. I have a research paper due on Friday...and I have only completed a page...oh boy. So I really need to work on that this weekend and hopefully do a lot of stats.

I promised that I would wear flip flops this afternoon to school but it's looking pretty chilly. Oh well I guess my feet will be chilly! That'sok! I feel like this blog is all over the place and hopefully it's understable..ha I mean understantable? yup. Anyways I should head off to school!

Hope you're having a fabulous day!


Ps. I keep looking for things to make me laugh online and this is what I found last night! Check it out loves!

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