I have a mouth on me. A mouth that on more than a few occasions has gotten me into trouble. Not the trouble that ends you up in the principle's office or anything like that. The type of trouble that causes you to kick yourself for even opening your mouth in the first place. My heart tends to jump to conclusions before my mind can leap in and say "wait!". My lips work faster than my brain..I think you get the picture. God is teaching me this week how ugly it can get if I don't keep my tongue in check.
This week, being full of exams and books, I was busy studying at Starbucks at school and witnessed the most popular friendship-ruining, self-esteem-drilling, joy-killing conversations ever. And the worst observation of all...is that I could place myself right in the situation. Gossiping. While sipping my steaming peppermint mocha I would observe girls talking happily together, giddy and joyful, however, after one would leave, the hot topics would begin. Critiquing, comparing and tearing down.. How many of us, especially girls can place ourselves in any of those girls shoes...the group or the girl who left. I think God was opening my eyes this week to how disgusting the gossiping 'habit' truly is. Not only on the inside but how it looks on the outside. If I knew someone was listening to me ...boy would I turn red...But what I don't always realize is that there is always someone listening. Why do I have to pick people apart? Critiquing, comparing, tearing down?
How many of us remember walking down the high school halls and having the fear of walking into a conversation that we were just the topic of. What a horrible feeling. This world is projecting enough "not good enough", ugly messages without us to help them along.
This Christmas, I'm going to work on being silent...and I'm going to begin listening. I'm going to find joy in people instead of finding the worst. How often do our mouths project friendship-ruining, self-esteem-drilling or joy-killing things?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
In [every] season
My purpose in life from where I sit is a simple one. Love God. Love people. It sounds simple, but in reality it's not always that easy. It's not always easy to love God in the hard times. When you face a battle and you're ready to give up. It's not easy to even believe in God sometimes when all you know is luke warm faith. It's not easy to love people when you know they'll never love you back. It's not always easy to love people unless you love God. It's never as easy as it sounds. But somehow, somewhere, I know it's worth it. This year for myself, has been dry in faith. God has felt far away, even though I know He is not. In the last few months this is mostly(all) my fault in lacking to take the time. I always find myself saying, "I'll make time", "I'll sit down for devotions tomorrow"...when and if tomorrows comes for devotions is always an argument in my head...No matter what it comes down to though, I know I will cling to Him. I simply know. Because I know He's worth it.
A lot of my friends in school don't get it. Don't get this faith "thing". Most would call me naive or ignorant, some would call me stupid. I simply could not picture my life without this purpose in Christ. I was sitting in my social development class surrounded by my fellow classmates watching a video on the impacts of the recent recession. There was a man on screen who after the recession hit decided to go to school to study Theology. He told the interviewer that "After the recession hit, He decided to trust in God to deal with his financial debt" in other words he explained he was trusting that God would give Him the wisdom to work it out in His plan...the room immediately burst out in laughter. Trusting God. It's such a foreign concept to this world. We've missed the mark on this one. I missed the mark on this one. I need to show the people who think it's funny to trust in God..what trusting in God really looks like..But am I willing? Because when I think about what trusting in God really looks like... it can be a terrifying thought. But when I know and realize that He'll fight for me....He gives me peace. I just need to aim a lot more carefully...Live intentionally and quit missing the target.
I feel like when I sit down to write my blog I want to tackle every little thing that's gone wrong in my week or life. I don't even know why I write the things I do. But today I prayed about what should come from this blog and this is what poured out. Either way, I hope it makes sense.
This week I was listening to 'The Desert Song'- by Hillsong and I think that whenever I hear a song that can explain what my life looks like at that moment in time, I cling to it. This is a song that I'm clinging to this week. The first verse begins with....This is my prayer in the Desert when all that's within me feels dry...This is my prayer in my hunger and need...My God is the God who provides... A couple years ago I remember sitting down at a table and being asked to draw on paper which season of our spiritual lives we were in. And me at the age of 18 producing a 4 year old's looking portrait of a bitterly cold winter scene. Dry spells come and go and life may be a series of ups and downs but this song was a really strong push and reminder that God is still God, no matter where I am.
A lot of my friends in school don't get it. Don't get this faith "thing". Most would call me naive or ignorant, some would call me stupid. I simply could not picture my life without this purpose in Christ. I was sitting in my social development class surrounded by my fellow classmates watching a video on the impacts of the recent recession. There was a man on screen who after the recession hit decided to go to school to study Theology. He told the interviewer that "After the recession hit, He decided to trust in God to deal with his financial debt" in other words he explained he was trusting that God would give Him the wisdom to work it out in His plan...the room immediately burst out in laughter. Trusting God. It's such a foreign concept to this world. We've missed the mark on this one. I missed the mark on this one. I need to show the people who think it's funny to trust in God..what trusting in God really looks like..But am I willing? Because when I think about what trusting in God really looks like... it can be a terrifying thought. But when I know and realize that He'll fight for me....He gives me peace. I just need to aim a lot more carefully...Live intentionally and quit missing the target.
I feel like when I sit down to write my blog I want to tackle every little thing that's gone wrong in my week or life. I don't even know why I write the things I do. But today I prayed about what should come from this blog and this is what poured out. Either way, I hope it makes sense.
This week I was listening to 'The Desert Song'- by Hillsong and I think that whenever I hear a song that can explain what my life looks like at that moment in time, I cling to it. This is a song that I'm clinging to this week. The first verse begins with....This is my prayer in the Desert when all that's within me feels dry...This is my prayer in my hunger and need...My God is the God who provides... A couple years ago I remember sitting down at a table and being asked to draw on paper which season of our spiritual lives we were in. And me at the age of 18 producing a 4 year old's looking portrait of a bitterly cold winter scene. Dry spells come and go and life may be a series of ups and downs but this song was a really strong push and reminder that God is still God, no matter where I am.
In all of my life, In every season, You are still God,
I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship.
I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
And I know the {Heart of Life} is Good...
Today was a bad day. Maybe it was just the overwhelmingness (is that even a word) of papers, texts, and exams on the horizon or maybe it was tiredness. Either way, I'm glad it's almost over, well half over. I am accepted into the faculty of social work for those I haven't told yet, that's way overdue. I worked at camp again in the summer as an LDP assistant which was good. It was a really dry summer for me for some reason...a tougher one, but still really good. School has been good but I've had a really hard time getting motivated to write my papers and study, which has ultimately shown in my grades. But that will change because it will bother me to eternity if I don't do well. It's now October and the weather has been ridiculous. The sun is shining and it's unreal warm.
I was thinking today about my faith and everything. How I've just grown so comfortable in it, which truly contradicts the point of it, and I was thinking today how many people don't really know what Christianity is about. Correction what following Christ is about. Because if they really knew and saw people really living, how could they really say no. I think I keep missing the point on that one. My justification of not caring lately always falls into school and busyness but truthfully I know that's not the cause. I just really need to kick my apathetic, selfish self to the side. and really live. Steven Curtis Chapman quoted C.S. Lewis the other day on his twitter, "God doesn't want something from us. He simply wants us". and I thought wow as simple and straight forward that statement is how often do I choose to think otherwise. He simply wants me.
I have this tendency to judge on first impression, even just a walk by, or appearance how a person really is. When in reality, the most likely aren't what I thought they were at all. The funny thing is, I find it really hard to change that impression that I made in my head even after I find out that it's completely off the mark. So I know I need to change those thoughts because it prevents me from loving people like I should. I was talking to someone lately about social welfare and people in general. We were talking about how they thought that people just want a free ride through life on the social system, how most are lazy and corrupt. Wow. I was thinking about how much that goes against my whole career as a social worker, when I realized that not only does it go against my beliefs in the social world, but also my beliefs as a follower of Christ. How am I going to wholly love someone and respect them if I think them lazy and corrupt? I can do my best to love them but if I'm judging them in my mind, it just won't add up in the end. I respect the fact that in reality, there are going to be people who don't strive for the best on purpose. I'm not under the illusion that this world is butterflies and rainbows and everyone is good. The world is corrupt. People are messed up. But if I choose to judge them on it, really what good will that do. Where will it get me? A whole lot of nowhere. If I don't strive for a better life, who will? People need to be loved. Not the glorified, pretty love. The love that makes you question why is this person willing to do something for me? A Godly love. Anyways, my point is, I believe the heart of life is good (insert song plug here). That conversation just got me thinking to my own thoughts on people and life when they said that.
Anyways, classes for the most part are going good despite my lack of motivation. I had a guy sitting in front of me today in my social psych class who kept falling asleep. I was doing all I could to keep from giggling. Woah it was funny. He actually almost got me scared for my computer because he head almost hit a couple times when he was dosing off. I giggled all the way out of class. On another note, I really need to consider getting my breaks on my bike fixed, I fiddled around with it a bit and they're a little bit better, but wow, if I don't be careful I'm going to run into someone or a tree.
I'm still really bad at updating this. My promise to myself to keep it up has proven extremely faulty if you notice my last post was April! yikes. Not that a whole lot of people actually read it...but I will keep writing like people do, because it's nice to just write and get things out sometimes. It's lovely how this is so much easier to write than a paper! I wish all my papers were this easy. Anyways I should really get back do doing the homework that I'm so motivated to do....
I was thinking today about my faith and everything. How I've just grown so comfortable in it, which truly contradicts the point of it, and I was thinking today how many people don't really know what Christianity is about. Correction what following Christ is about. Because if they really knew and saw people really living, how could they really say no. I think I keep missing the point on that one. My justification of not caring lately always falls into school and busyness but truthfully I know that's not the cause. I just really need to kick my apathetic, selfish self to the side. and really live. Steven Curtis Chapman quoted C.S. Lewis the other day on his twitter, "God doesn't want something from us. He simply wants us". and I thought wow as simple and straight forward that statement is how often do I choose to think otherwise. He simply wants me.
I have this tendency to judge on first impression, even just a walk by, or appearance how a person really is. When in reality, the most likely aren't what I thought they were at all. The funny thing is, I find it really hard to change that impression that I made in my head even after I find out that it's completely off the mark. So I know I need to change those thoughts because it prevents me from loving people like I should. I was talking to someone lately about social welfare and people in general. We were talking about how they thought that people just want a free ride through life on the social system, how most are lazy and corrupt. Wow. I was thinking about how much that goes against my whole career as a social worker, when I realized that not only does it go against my beliefs in the social world, but also my beliefs as a follower of Christ. How am I going to wholly love someone and respect them if I think them lazy and corrupt? I can do my best to love them but if I'm judging them in my mind, it just won't add up in the end. I respect the fact that in reality, there are going to be people who don't strive for the best on purpose. I'm not under the illusion that this world is butterflies and rainbows and everyone is good. The world is corrupt. People are messed up. But if I choose to judge them on it, really what good will that do. Where will it get me? A whole lot of nowhere. If I don't strive for a better life, who will? People need to be loved. Not the glorified, pretty love. The love that makes you question why is this person willing to do something for me? A Godly love. Anyways, my point is, I believe the heart of life is good (insert song plug here). That conversation just got me thinking to my own thoughts on people and life when they said that.
Anyways, classes for the most part are going good despite my lack of motivation. I had a guy sitting in front of me today in my social psych class who kept falling asleep. I was doing all I could to keep from giggling. Woah it was funny. He actually almost got me scared for my computer because he head almost hit a couple times when he was dosing off. I giggled all the way out of class. On another note, I really need to consider getting my breaks on my bike fixed, I fiddled around with it a bit and they're a little bit better, but wow, if I don't be careful I'm going to run into someone or a tree.
I'm still really bad at updating this. My promise to myself to keep it up has proven extremely faulty if you notice my last post was April! yikes. Not that a whole lot of people actually read it...but I will keep writing like people do, because it's nice to just write and get things out sometimes. It's lovely how this is so much easier to write than a paper! I wish all my papers were this easy. Anyways I should really get back do doing the homework that I'm so motivated to do....
Monday, April 12, 2010
A decade times {Two}
I turned twenty last week. No more teens for me! I am a twenty year old. A decade times two. Because of this spectacular event, I have decided to make a list of some of the simple things I want to do while I'm twenty, well, and also not when I'm twenty. but heck, I'm only twenty once! Let's enjoy it!
1. Go to Grand Beach with my friends, buy ice cream, dance, swim, tan and sing the entire day away.
2. Go out into a field, bring my guitar, and sing. hmmm summer days.
3. Fly to France to visit my dearest Friend Nathalie. Sigh...I wish.. Okay real number three. Write and record a song.
4. Watch the 5-hour version of Pride and Prejudice without falling asleep.
5. Befriend someone off the street(not in Winkler! That would be way to easy)
6. Live through my stats exam this friday. (Not even a joke, very very very legit.)
7. Go a whole week without washing my hair (eww!)
8. Drive out in the middle of nowhere, and look at the stars.
9. Watch a meteor shower for more that five minutes.
10. Take a spontaneous Road Trip to anywhere.
11. Get to know my grandma
12. Go twirling, in dresses with my friends, just for fun.
13. Ride the bus around Winnipeg, just because.
14. Buy coffee for a perfect stranger.
15. Send out a message in a bottle.
16. Learn to tell a joke with out messing up the punchline!
17. Learn to Waltz
18. Strive to become a better follower of Christ
19. Take a Photography course
20. Learn to love who God made me.
21. Laugh. I hope I laugh a lot while I'm twenty.
22. Dance, in the rain, in the sun, on the beach.
23. Give Sushi another go 'round.
24. The list could very well go on forever, but my need for sleep is growing so I will leave it at that for now.... Any Suggestions? They are simple things.
Much love,
Ps. I am still continuing to look at youtube and random places for things to make me laugh. Just for fun. This is my latest, most cutest, most awesomest finding at this point. Enjoy! :)
1. Go to Grand Beach with my friends, buy ice cream, dance, swim, tan and sing the entire day away.
2. Go out into a field, bring my guitar, and sing. hmmm summer days.
3. Fly to France to visit my dearest Friend Nathalie. Sigh...I wish.. Okay real number three. Write and record a song.
4. Watch the 5-hour version of Pride and Prejudice without falling asleep.
5. Befriend someone off the street(not in Winkler! That would be way to easy)
6. Live through my stats exam this friday. (Not even a joke, very very very legit.)
7. Go a whole week without washing my hair (eww!)
8. Drive out in the middle of nowhere, and look at the stars.
9. Watch a meteor shower for more that five minutes.
10. Take a spontaneous Road Trip to anywhere.
11. Get to know my grandma
12. Go twirling, in dresses with my friends, just for fun.
13. Ride the bus around Winnipeg, just because.
14. Buy coffee for a perfect stranger.
15. Send out a message in a bottle.
16. Learn to tell a joke with out messing up the punchline!
17. Learn to Waltz
18. Strive to become a better follower of Christ
19. Take a Photography course
20. Learn to love who God made me.
21. Laugh. I hope I laugh a lot while I'm twenty.
22. Dance, in the rain, in the sun, on the beach.
23. Give Sushi another go 'round.
24. The list could very well go on forever, but my need for sleep is growing so I will leave it at that for now.... Any Suggestions? They are simple things.
Much love,
Ps. I am still continuing to look at youtube and random places for things to make me laugh. Just for fun. This is my latest, most cutest, most awesomest finding at this point. Enjoy! :)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Take a {Stand}
Today, was a good day! While I did continue to think about bugs, it wasn't as bad as yesterday.. haa. One of my roommates got engaged last night! So that was exciting news in our house this morning! I had class at 8:30 but found myself wide awake at 7:00. So I got up and did nothing but eat apple cinnamon cheerios and watched Canada AM. A new experience indeed. Also, if you have never tried apple cinnamon cheerios, they are worth it, super good. Surprisingly good at 7:00 am with Canada AM. My class this morning did not consist of much but a sub prof asking us why we took early morning classes if we are not morning people. I also met my friends Hailey and Kaitlyn on campus which was quite random since Hailey does not attend U of M, but it was a nice surprise!
Today was also a lazy day consisting of an episode of Ugly Betty, an episode in which by the way she gets her braces removed! if you cared to know. I just feel like I can relate!...ha it was a good show. Then Gilmore Girls, which I truly love. truly. I began cooking up a storm later in the day for Hailey and Kaitlyn the same friends I met earlier in the day who were also coming for dinner. It was so warm in our house (which is unusual) that I opened windows in the -10 degree weather and it was beautiful! Our house needed some airing out from this stuffy winter air anyway.
So I like to think I have learned a lot about myself this year about who I am (there is a lot more learning to do!) but lately I've been thinking a lot lately about what makes me different? Do you know what I mean? Like, I am supposed to be this passionate Christ follower and disciple but really when I look at my life...Do people see that? Do people know that I follow Christ? and I'm not talking about the "not swearing, lying, cheating" type of thing here. I mean legitimately striving for other to know Christ through my actions. There are so many people at U of M, like 27,000 many. What makes me any different from the next person passing me on campus? God has just been really challenging me these past few months through a lot of things and some conversations I've had with people who don't believe. He's really challenged me to strive to show His love to people who don't know Him or don't want to. He's challenged me to strive to be different and not be afraid of who that is. I mean, really, I hope that my friends at school can see that I follow and love Christ, but what I'm doing right now, is it enough? I don't really think so. So I guess I feel just feel really challenged right now but I'm looking forward to the challenge and what comes next. There is this one quote that I have fallen back in love with lately and it's simply put, "Stand for Him, He stood for You". Christ died on the Cross for me that day, laid it all out on the line. all of it. So when I really think about that, What's stopping me? Like, really. But I guess my question or challenge to you is...What makes you different? I'm not judging here in anyway, just think about it. Let's be Different.
Today was also a lazy day consisting of an episode of Ugly Betty, an episode in which by the way she gets her braces removed! if you cared to know. I just feel like I can relate!...ha it was a good show. Then Gilmore Girls, which I truly love. truly. I began cooking up a storm later in the day for Hailey and Kaitlyn the same friends I met earlier in the day who were also coming for dinner. It was so warm in our house (which is unusual) that I opened windows in the -10 degree weather and it was beautiful! Our house needed some airing out from this stuffy winter air anyway.
So I like to think I have learned a lot about myself this year about who I am (there is a lot more learning to do!) but lately I've been thinking a lot lately about what makes me different? Do you know what I mean? Like, I am supposed to be this passionate Christ follower and disciple but really when I look at my life...Do people see that? Do people know that I follow Christ? and I'm not talking about the "not swearing, lying, cheating" type of thing here. I mean legitimately striving for other to know Christ through my actions. There are so many people at U of M, like 27,000 many. What makes me any different from the next person passing me on campus? God has just been really challenging me these past few months through a lot of things and some conversations I've had with people who don't believe. He's really challenged me to strive to show His love to people who don't know Him or don't want to. He's challenged me to strive to be different and not be afraid of who that is. I mean, really, I hope that my friends at school can see that I follow and love Christ, but what I'm doing right now, is it enough? I don't really think so. So I guess I feel just feel really challenged right now but I'm looking forward to the challenge and what comes next. There is this one quote that I have fallen back in love with lately and it's simply put, "Stand for Him, He stood for You". Christ died on the Cross for me that day, laid it all out on the line. all of it. So when I really think about that, What's stopping me? Like, really. But I guess my question or challenge to you is...What makes you different? I'm not judging here in anyway, just think about it. Let's be Different.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A {Bugs} Life
Last night I had a weird dream about bugs. Yes, bugs. Well more like huge red and black wasps which were everywhere. and today I found myself constantly paranoid about being bitten or eaten by a bug! Then this afternoon while studying I saw one fly up from underneath my textbooks somewhere and I was terrified, even though it was only a little fruit fly. I'm not even sure how it got there...very strange. Then this evening I felt like something bit me on my arm! but it was nothing. I think I was just a little bit paranoid today.
It was also super windy today, and brrr was it cold! I realized it snowed when my sister gasped loudly in the living room, thinking something was deathly wrong, I asked what!? and she said "Did you know it SNOWED?". haaa. But the snow is gone now and I'm glad!
Tomorrow Hailey and Kaitlyn are coming over for dinner and I"m going to make them chicken fettuccine alfredo! It will be delicious! I hope :) On Saturday, Danielle and I are heading over to SOAR Heartland to help make supper and then go to the evening session! I'm super pumped! It's going to be a goooddd time. I miss SOAR. Such good times.
OHHHH, and the paper I was freaking out about this week, which I pretty much finished yesterday, my prof, today decided to give everyone a weekend extension! way to freak out about nothing! oh well, it gives me some extra time to edit.
Okay, time for bed...early class tomorrow! :)
It was also super windy today, and brrr was it cold! I realized it snowed when my sister gasped loudly in the living room, thinking something was deathly wrong, I asked what!? and she said "Did you know it SNOWED?". haaa. But the snow is gone now and I'm glad!
Tomorrow Hailey and Kaitlyn are coming over for dinner and I"m going to make them chicken fettuccine alfredo! It will be delicious! I hope :) On Saturday, Danielle and I are heading over to SOAR Heartland to help make supper and then go to the evening session! I'm super pumped! It's going to be a goooddd time. I miss SOAR. Such good times.
OHHHH, and the paper I was freaking out about this week, which I pretty much finished yesterday, my prof, today decided to give everyone a weekend extension! way to freak out about nothing! oh well, it gives me some extra time to edit.
Okay, time for bed...early class tomorrow! :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Life {Overloaded}
Tonight I am relieved! I am almost done my dreaded research paper, which I enjoyed writing, but I hated working on because I'm just soo done with school. I decided that today, I'm so just done with it, the work, the writing, the stress, the reading, the stats!, ugh, I'm just ready for it to be over. Oh well, Three weeks(ish) and I can say I'm done year one! That will be fabulous!
Yesterday my nephew, Caleb, spent the day with us in Winnipeg and it was a blast! Good times, he was a giggle box and very talkative so it was just overall a party. I played guitar and sang for him and he was super pumped about that...most people are...haaa kidding. But seriously, he was dancing and singing, well as much as a one year old can. Auntie is definitely gunna teach that boy right and have him playing guitar and singing in nooo time.
In the evening my class ended up to be cancelled so I walked to school for nothing..It was a bit disapointing because I would have liked to have gotten my presentation over with! But thats okay. Today I worked on my stats homework, which Wayne helped me with again! It's getting a bit harder now...which is frustrating, so much stuff to remember. Which reminds me! a word of advice --> never ever take a stats class if you don't have to! Then I worked on my paper and almost completed it and now I am here! Btw, my paper was about the "Indian" Residential Schools, if you have not heard about the Residential Schools you really really really need to check out this website about the First Nations Community and the impact of the residential schools. I've learnt so much and it blows my mind what this society has done...seriously check it out http://www.wherearethechildren.ca/flash/WATCSite.html
I think i'm soon going to work on some sociology or psych...yay..truely, i'm actually relieved to not have to think about writing anymore! I only have one more paper left this year!!!!! AMEN!
Again today I was looking for things to make me laugh because laughing is alwaaayys awesome. and Here is the top result of the day! :) Check it out!
Yesterday my nephew, Caleb, spent the day with us in Winnipeg and it was a blast! Good times, he was a giggle box and very talkative so it was just overall a party. I played guitar and sang for him and he was super pumped about that...most people are...haaa kidding. But seriously, he was dancing and singing, well as much as a one year old can. Auntie is definitely gunna teach that boy right and have him playing guitar and singing in nooo time.
In the evening my class ended up to be cancelled so I walked to school for nothing..It was a bit disapointing because I would have liked to have gotten my presentation over with! But thats okay. Today I worked on my stats homework, which Wayne helped me with again! It's getting a bit harder now...which is frustrating, so much stuff to remember. Which reminds me! a word of advice --> never ever take a stats class if you don't have to! Then I worked on my paper and almost completed it and now I am here! Btw, my paper was about the "Indian" Residential Schools, if you have not heard about the Residential Schools you really really really need to check out this website about the First Nations Community and the impact of the residential schools. I've learnt so much and it blows my mind what this society has done...seriously check it out http://www.wherearethechildren.ca/flash/WATCSite.html
I think i'm soon going to work on some sociology or psych...yay..truely, i'm actually relieved to not have to think about writing anymore! I only have one more paper left this year!!!!! AMEN!
Again today I was looking for things to make me laugh because laughing is alwaaayys awesome. and Here is the top result of the day! :) Check it out!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Forever {Young}
{Congratulations to me! I have written more blogs in 2010
than I have in 2007, 2008 and 2009 combined!}
Spring, Spring, Spring here you are! I hope it only goes up from here! Today...I have no motivation. Help me! I have papers to write, an assignment due, and so much to read, yet I can't seem to get going at allllll. I usually don't have any motivation when I'm home for the weekend and this weekend has been especially terrible...there always is something better to do. This week is going to be a rouuggghh one..than I have in 2007, 2008 and 2009 combined!}
Friday I hung out with Tamara which was fantastic! I loved catching up on stuff, so that was great. Afterward, I went to surprise Hailey who came home from England that evening and that was a really great time too and got to see a lot of people that I hadn't seen in a long time, so that was a bonus. Saturday morning was Kid's Zone which was spectacular! I met these super cute girls and we had a lot of fun! In the evening I went to the Dinner Theatre and hung out with the cross currents from last year and saw a whack load of camp people that I miss so much! That was a super good time. So my weekend was not filled with a lot of homework at all..
Today is my nephew's birthday as you can probably see from the post below and I can't believe time has gone by so fast! So in honor of him, here is his first video after being born a year ago today!
Friday, March 19, 2010
{Raincoats} and Flip Flops
Today is fridddday! Are you excited? Because I am! :) This morning I woke up at 7 and decided that I needed to sleep more so I went back to sleep until 8:30 and then showered and got ready. I had big plans to do a lot of homework this morning which did NOT happen. But that's okay I did tons yesterday. Instead I spent the morning getting ready, watching gilmore girls(which was spectacular), eating peanut butter and honey on toast and playing guitar. It was a very successful morning minus the no homework getting done. I have a test today...which should be interesting...I'm not exactly sure what is supposed to be on it, which is what makes it interesting. So my friend Alyssa, Laura and myself are going to study at Greenhouse before the test to figure out what is going on...and then I'm going home! yay! I'm hanging out with Tamara this evening which should be spectacular! and then after my friend Hailey is coming home from England so I'm going to pop in and say Hi! :) I'm super pumped!
My dad is in Orlando this week/weekend so I'm going to hang out with my mom quite a bit and go to Kid's Zone and the Dinner Theatre. On sunday It's my nephew Birthday so we'll probably party with them again.. and yup! That's pretty much my weekend. I have a research paper due on Friday...and I have only completed a page...oh boy. So I really need to work on that this weekend and hopefully do a lot of stats.
I promised that I would wear flip flops this afternoon to school but it's looking pretty chilly. Oh well I guess my feet will be chilly! That'sok! I feel like this blog is all over the place and hopefully it's understable..ha I mean understantable? yup. Anyways I should head off to school!
Hope you're having a fabulous day!
Ps. I keep looking for things to make me laugh online and this is what I found last night! Check it out loves!
My dad is in Orlando this week/weekend so I'm going to hang out with my mom quite a bit and go to Kid's Zone and the Dinner Theatre. On sunday It's my nephew Birthday so we'll probably party with them again.. and yup! That's pretty much my weekend. I have a research paper due on Friday...and I have only completed a page...oh boy. So I really need to work on that this weekend and hopefully do a lot of stats.
I promised that I would wear flip flops this afternoon to school but it's looking pretty chilly. Oh well I guess my feet will be chilly! That'sok! I feel like this blog is all over the place and hopefully it's understable..ha I mean understantable? yup. Anyways I should head off to school!
Hope you're having a fabulous day!
Ps. I keep looking for things to make me laugh online and this is what I found last night! Check it out loves!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Finding Beauty* In the {Small} Things
Today was a beautiful day, a cool breeze, but still one of those wonderful, fresh spring air type of days that I sometimes wish would last forever. I could quite possibly sit out in the sunshine with a wonderful book and be content there until the sun disappeared behind the trees. Today was just one of the, Thank-You God for this wonderful world type of days! and I loved it. Also, Happy St. Patty's Day! Are you wearing green? Because I am!
This morning I slept in until like 10! which was unreal again because I had planned to wake up early and study, but oh well, at least I was well rested. My friend Alyssa picked me up for class and we studied at the Greenhouse cafe an hour before we wrote our psych exam and I think it went pretty well! I only guessed on a few of them, so that was nice! After that we had class and decided that on Friday we would all wear flip-flops and sunglasses to school. So regardless of how cold it might be, the flip-flops will make an appearance on Friday! :) Which makes me excited because I have not worn flip-flops since fall! Everyone keeps saying that the snow will return yet! (knock on wood) I hope not though, spring is here to stay!
After I got home, I received a message that my friend was wondering if I could run an errand for them so I quickly jacked Jeanette's car and hurried off to St. Vital to find that I needed to go to Polo Park, so I had an adventure this evening and only got home around 7:30, so not a lot of homework for me tonight! ha. ohhhh welll. I love driving. I especially love it when there is a spectacular song on the radio, the windows are open and it's spring! It's great. If I didn't have to worry about gas money, I think I would drive a lot more often!
I hope you are all having a fabulous week!
Love. love. Love.
This morning I slept in until like 10! which was unreal again because I had planned to wake up early and study, but oh well, at least I was well rested. My friend Alyssa picked me up for class and we studied at the Greenhouse cafe an hour before we wrote our psych exam and I think it went pretty well! I only guessed on a few of them, so that was nice! After that we had class and decided that on Friday we would all wear flip-flops and sunglasses to school. So regardless of how cold it might be, the flip-flops will make an appearance on Friday! :) Which makes me excited because I have not worn flip-flops since fall! Everyone keeps saying that the snow will return yet! (knock on wood) I hope not though, spring is here to stay!
After I got home, I received a message that my friend was wondering if I could run an errand for them so I quickly jacked Jeanette's car and hurried off to St. Vital to find that I needed to go to Polo Park, so I had an adventure this evening and only got home around 7:30, so not a lot of homework for me tonight! ha. ohhhh welll. I love driving. I especially love it when there is a spectacular song on the radio, the windows are open and it's spring! It's great. If I didn't have to worry about gas money, I think I would drive a lot more often!
I hope you are all having a fabulous week!
Love. love. Love.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Organized {Chaos}
So I was lying in my bed trying to figure out why it is that I can't seem to fall asleep! and I realized that it must have been because I have not blogged today...ha...not. I'm not sure why I am not sleeping, last night was a short one! I woke up around 7 this morning, walked to class only to discover there wasn't any! There are pro's and con's to that considering I had such a short night, but I think it was probably good, otherwise I may have slept in again and not gotten as much stats and psych done this morning! :)
I spent part of my day trying to figure out my predicted GPA, so that was good, I think I'm in good shape, but I'm still thinking that I won't make the cut for the Faculty because it's so super competitive...but we shall see. I also got mass amounts of stats completed, and it was not as hard as my friend thought it would be, so that was a relief! I also truly need to start on my research paper that is due next friday...oh boy.
My friend, Kate asked me to sing at her wedding at the end of summer so I am pretty pumped about that! I'm singing Feel's Like Home by Chantal Kreviezuk,which is ultimately awesome.
I also decided that I was going to get another piercing or two this year. I think I'd either like a bar across the upper portion of my ear which is called a scaffold or.. just on the upper corner of my ear. We'll see what happens. I'm just feeling adventurous lately. I've also been thinking more and more about the tattoo I'd like to get and think that I have settled on one, I'm just going to wait it out to see if I still like it in a few months or year. I also keep dreaming about going to Africa...but no where in the near future..so I'll keep you posted. I just have so many dreams that I can't even keep up! So many things to do!
As, I'm writing this, I'm also checking out things that make me laugh to make me tired! Ha, so check this out!
Anyway...Maybe I'll be able to fall asleep now!:)
I spent part of my day trying to figure out my predicted GPA, so that was good, I think I'm in good shape, but I'm still thinking that I won't make the cut for the Faculty because it's so super competitive...but we shall see. I also got mass amounts of stats completed, and it was not as hard as my friend thought it would be, so that was a relief! I also truly need to start on my research paper that is due next friday...oh boy.
My friend, Kate asked me to sing at her wedding at the end of summer so I am pretty pumped about that! I'm singing Feel's Like Home by Chantal Kreviezuk,which is ultimately awesome.
I also decided that I was going to get another piercing or two this year. I think I'd either like a bar across the upper portion of my ear which is called a scaffold or.. just on the upper corner of my ear. We'll see what happens. I'm just feeling adventurous lately. I've also been thinking more and more about the tattoo I'd like to get and think that I have settled on one, I'm just going to wait it out to see if I still like it in a few months or year. I also keep dreaming about going to Africa...but no where in the near future..so I'll keep you posted. I just have so many dreams that I can't even keep up! So many things to do!
As, I'm writing this, I'm also checking out things that make me laugh to make me tired! Ha, so check this out!
Anyway...Maybe I'll be able to fall asleep now!:)
Monday, March 15, 2010
Good evening Blogger World!
Today was a pretty good day. It started off pretty lazy, I slept in until about 10 am. Which I never do, so that was kind of nice, even though I have about a bazillion things to do! I tried to study for my Psych Exam on Wednesday but didn't really get very far and then tried to focus on my stats homework which I also did not get very far on... So I'm kind of scared because I have sooo many things to do this week that are for marks and I'm a bit stressed! I had class at 3:30 and then my counseling class at 6:00 which was really interesting today. I love the people in that course they are super fun and easy to talk to...which makes sense I suppose because it is a counseling class. We talked about violence today and how to deal with those situations so that was pretty interesting. There was a quote in my book that I found was pretty great it was "The most deadliest form of Violence is Poverty" - Ghandi. How true is that? I knew this beforehand, but this quote pretty much sums up my thoughts. When I look back to so many of the root of problems, such as crime, violent outbreaks, failing school etc. it s so often because people cannot meet their subsistence needs, just simply getting food on the table day in, day out is a struggle. Enter Maslow's Hierarchy of self-actualization. People are unable to reach their potential before all of their needs are met. So often I judge people to be inherently lazy, unwilling to fix their problem etc. (bad idea) Where I fail to acknowledge how unfair the capitalism playing field is and not look at how people struggle to reach their basic needs before being able to succeed and reach self-actualization...Just a few thoughts I suppose...My 2 social work cents for the evening I guess.
This weekend was fantastic! I did almost no homework which was probably terrible, but that's okay! I went to Kid's Zone on Saturday morning and that was awesome, got to catch up with some people there and also hang out with some spectacular Kids. It's a great program. I played with my nephew saturday afternoon...and in the evening did my tax return!! yay! I'm getting money! ha..so that should be niccce. On Sunday a couple of my friends got baptized! so that was exciting and afterward I went to lunch with a few of my camp friends and that was really great as well. In the evening was my nephew's first birthday party and that was spectacular! I got him a little leap frog guitar! After that I headed back to the city...and here I am.
This weekend should be good, I'll be glad once this week is over..actually I'll be even more glad once this term is over!! This weekend I'm hangin out with Tamara hopefully, who I'm super excited to see and also going to the WBC Dinner Theatre, so that should great as well! Yup, Life is good, but I should probably get back to studying...
Hope you are all having a great week!
PS. Song request of the week- Check out: Stronger- Hillsong United. It's spectacular.
Today was a pretty good day. It started off pretty lazy, I slept in until about 10 am. Which I never do, so that was kind of nice, even though I have about a bazillion things to do! I tried to study for my Psych Exam on Wednesday but didn't really get very far and then tried to focus on my stats homework which I also did not get very far on... So I'm kind of scared because I have sooo many things to do this week that are for marks and I'm a bit stressed! I had class at 3:30 and then my counseling class at 6:00 which was really interesting today. I love the people in that course they are super fun and easy to talk to...which makes sense I suppose because it is a counseling class. We talked about violence today and how to deal with those situations so that was pretty interesting. There was a quote in my book that I found was pretty great it was "The most deadliest form of Violence is Poverty" - Ghandi. How true is that? I knew this beforehand, but this quote pretty much sums up my thoughts. When I look back to so many of the root of problems, such as crime, violent outbreaks, failing school etc. it s so often because people cannot meet their subsistence needs, just simply getting food on the table day in, day out is a struggle. Enter Maslow's Hierarchy of self-actualization. People are unable to reach their potential before all of their needs are met. So often I judge people to be inherently lazy, unwilling to fix their problem etc. (bad idea) Where I fail to acknowledge how unfair the capitalism playing field is and not look at how people struggle to reach their basic needs before being able to succeed and reach self-actualization...Just a few thoughts I suppose...My 2 social work cents for the evening I guess.
This weekend was fantastic! I did almost no homework which was probably terrible, but that's okay! I went to Kid's Zone on Saturday morning and that was awesome, got to catch up with some people there and also hang out with some spectacular Kids. It's a great program. I played with my nephew saturday afternoon...and in the evening did my tax return!! yay! I'm getting money! ha..so that should be niccce. On Sunday a couple of my friends got baptized! so that was exciting and afterward I went to lunch with a few of my camp friends and that was really great as well. In the evening was my nephew's first birthday party and that was spectacular! I got him a little leap frog guitar! After that I headed back to the city...and here I am.
This weekend should be good, I'll be glad once this week is over..actually I'll be even more glad once this term is over!! This weekend I'm hangin out with Tamara hopefully, who I'm super excited to see and also going to the WBC Dinner Theatre, so that should great as well! Yup, Life is good, but I should probably get back to studying...
Hope you are all having a great week!
PS. Song request of the week- Check out: Stronger- Hillsong United. It's spectacular.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Feels like *Today...
Oh this day...Today is exactly One month from the last day of classes, One month and a week until my stats exam(terrified!), 12 Days until my nephews turns ONE!, 13 days until Spring!, and 27 days until my birthday :).
Last night was a short one, I was unable to fall asleep until late late late which made for a rude awakening by my alarm clock this morning at 7, which was followed by several hits of the snoozzzze on my phone. I was in a very groggy mood until I step outside to find cloudy, drizzly and beautiful spring weather! My song of the day on my iPod was Yours by steven curtis chapman, which put me in an even better mood. I love that song. It makes me want to go out into the world and see everything that belongs to God, it gives me hope if nothing else. It's a sweet song if you haven't ever heard it before, check it out.
Because of my short night I decided today was a coffee morning and I so I stood in line at the forever long Tim's line in the Engineering building, but I decided that was okay because I was early and I enjoy watching people. (as creepy as that sounds...) I enjoyed my sociology class and had a nice chat with the girl beside me. After class, I decided to pass on the gym and get home and work on some psych and stats. And so the frustration with stats began for the day. It's funny because I seem to be able to understand everything until they ask me a question! ha..K well not really, I mostly understand it, it's just knowing which formula to use that is confusing. With the help of my friend Wayne, who is a genius, a math whiz and just all around a super-hero! he saved the day and I finished my assignment. Now to tackle the test on Saturday..eeek. I just need to get my formula's down. Anyways, I was so frustrated that I decided to go for a run, which replaced my gym time for the day! But it was a good run, very refreshing and now I know where the pond is by my house, so that's nice.
So the run helped a lot and then I decided since my sister "needed some sunshine" in her life that we should go shopping! So we did and I left the mall with nothing which was actually quite great since I shouldn't have spent any money anyway! It was a good time, I was glad to get out of the house. Although, I need to start looking for a couple summer dresses for the weddings this summer! Ahh, all my friends are getting married and it's super weird, but super awesome, but still so super weird.
Next week my peanut of a nephew, Caleb, turns ONE YEAR! It's insane how time flies. I'm supppper excited, this weekend we're having a little birthday party for him and it's going to be slickkk! I'm pumped, I haven't seen him in so long.
Hope you are having a fantastic week,
Last night was a short one, I was unable to fall asleep until late late late which made for a rude awakening by my alarm clock this morning at 7, which was followed by several hits of the snoozzzze on my phone. I was in a very groggy mood until I step outside to find cloudy, drizzly and beautiful spring weather! My song of the day on my iPod was Yours by steven curtis chapman, which put me in an even better mood. I love that song. It makes me want to go out into the world and see everything that belongs to God, it gives me hope if nothing else. It's a sweet song if you haven't ever heard it before, check it out.
Because of my short night I decided today was a coffee morning and I so I stood in line at the forever long Tim's line in the Engineering building, but I decided that was okay because I was early and I enjoy watching people. (as creepy as that sounds...) I enjoyed my sociology class and had a nice chat with the girl beside me. After class, I decided to pass on the gym and get home and work on some psych and stats. And so the frustration with stats began for the day. It's funny because I seem to be able to understand everything until they ask me a question! ha..K well not really, I mostly understand it, it's just knowing which formula to use that is confusing. With the help of my friend Wayne, who is a genius, a math whiz and just all around a super-hero! he saved the day and I finished my assignment. Now to tackle the test on Saturday..eeek. I just need to get my formula's down. Anyways, I was so frustrated that I decided to go for a run, which replaced my gym time for the day! But it was a good run, very refreshing and now I know where the pond is by my house, so that's nice.
So the run helped a lot and then I decided since my sister "needed some sunshine" in her life that we should go shopping! So we did and I left the mall with nothing which was actually quite great since I shouldn't have spent any money anyway! It was a good time, I was glad to get out of the house. Although, I need to start looking for a couple summer dresses for the weddings this summer! Ahh, all my friends are getting married and it's super weird, but super awesome, but still so super weird.
Next week my peanut of a nephew, Caleb, turns ONE YEAR! It's insane how time flies. I'm supppper excited, this weekend we're having a little birthday party for him and it's going to be slickkk! I'm pumped, I haven't seen him in so long.
Hope you are having a fantastic week,
Monday, March 8, 2010
Beauty will *Rise
Okay, This is going to break your heart, it definitely broke mine...but I think it's something that I should share with you because it just shows such an incredible trust in God and a hope that God will shine through. and a hope that hope I could have if I ever get thrown into such a situation. Almost two years ago, Steven Curtis Chapman and his family lost their adopted daughter as a result of their son Will accidentally hitting her with their family vehicle in the drive way. She was only 5 years old. The link below leads you to their story and the amazing, incredible statement of hope and faith in Christ this family has made with such a tragedy in their lives. It's incredible. Really. Out of this horrible circumstance has come Steven's new album, Beauty Will Rise, which is spectacular, and if you haven't checked it out you should. God shows his strength through our weakness. It's a heartbreaking story and you will need a lot, a lot, a lot of tissues! But it's also very inspiring to see what God has brought out of this pain and hurt. Steven and his family are an amazing testimony to what I believe faith in Christ should look like. Steven and his wife Mary Beth are recognized advocates for adoption as well. Together, they founded Show Hope (formerly called Shaohannah's Hope)(after their first adopted daughter), a charity organization that mobilizes individuals and communities to care for orphans through its international orphan care work as well as adoption aid grants to help put more orphans from overseas and the U.S. in loving, forever families. In 2009, Show Hope finished building Maria's Big House of Hope, a medical care center in China that provides holistic care to orphans with special needs. Maria's Big House of Hope is also dedicated to the memory of the late Maria Sue Chapman. After reading and watching their story unfold you can really see how Beauty does rise out of the ashes.
Check out the story at http://www.showhope.org/AboutUs/RememberingMaria.aspx
Check out the story at http://www.showhope.org/AboutUs/RememberingMaria.aspx
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Grace finds {beauty} in everything
I love church. I love worship, it just completes my week. I think sometimes, well often, I fail to realize how great God's love for me and you actually is. Today in church we focused on Romans 5 and just how God choose to send Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. It is unfathomable to me. How awesome our God is!
On another note, I caught a ride with my friend Eric to church this morning and on the ride there wow were the trees incredible! They were covered with snow and completely white. It was gorgeous. God just knows how to make something so simple and find so much beauty in it. After church I came and buried myself in stats again, and accomplished quite a bit! so I'm pumped! Now to focus on some of my other subjects. oh boy. I need to find some food for house yet today or tomorrow!
I also realized that I miss my LDPer's today.. So where ever you are out there...I'm thinking of you :).
On another note, I caught a ride with my friend Eric to church this morning and on the ride there wow were the trees incredible! They were covered with snow and completely white. It was gorgeous. God just knows how to make something so simple and find so much beauty in it. After church I came and buried myself in stats again, and accomplished quite a bit! so I'm pumped! Now to focus on some of my other subjects. oh boy. I need to find some food for house yet today or tomorrow!
I also realized that I miss my LDPer's today.. So where ever you are out there...I'm thinking of you :).
Saturday, March 6, 2010
La {vie} est Belle
Life flies by! March is here and I feel like the second term just barely began.Christmas was a whirlwind of family and friends, gatherings, reunions and relaxation. It was wonderful. Coming back was a bit tough with having a month off but I managed.My course load is pretty good this term, I have Psych, Sociology, Interpersonal Communications, Native Studies and Stats(which I hate!! boo stats) Today I have had a stats day...a day where I did nothing but stats..well mostly. I did quite a bit of laundry and vacuuming to avoid it..but I did in the end get quite a bit done..I think. I wish someone would just do it for me! :(
As of last Friday I am officially an applicant of the Faculty of Social Work and I'm excited/apprehensive for this. Mostly because I'm not sure what I'd really like to get into in the end. I know I want to help people but I'm not sure with doing what, I just feel like it might be the right thing to do and where God wants me, so c'est la vie, there it is. I'm still thinking about going back to camp for the summer...not sure where I stand on it right now though...
I've been doing some song writing in my spare time..which isn't much, but I've come up with a few good songs...so that's been good. I've really come to love living in Winnipeg. I love the U of M and the people I've met there, the atmosphere and just life. It's warming up outside which make my half hourish walks to school much nicer, because there is nothing glamorous about walking to school in -40 degree weather with a big sweater, winter jacket, 2 pairs of tights, 2 scarfs, 2 pairs o' mittens,toque and 2 pairs o' socks. BUT I was warm and it was a lot free-er(sp?) than taking the bus! So yes, I am very thankful for spring! :)
My evening class has been pretty spectacular so far. It's pretty much a class where we sit around and counsel each other! Needless to say we've worked out a lot of problems together..ha...it's been good times.
I've been to The Meeting Place now and it is Spectacular, like truly. I Love that church. It's awesome. Drew Brown who leads worship there is super talented and it's amazing worshiping there. The messages are great and always seem to be applicable to my life. I love TMP.
I received a Starbucks gift card for Christmas(thanks Carilee!!) which has been put to great use. My flavor of the month is Half-sweet,Skinny,Cinnamon Dolce Latte it's superb. But my true favorite is still a Peppermint Mocha.
Favorite thing of the month. My mom came into the city this past week and she came with me to my Native Studies class and it was fun! She found it really interesting when i told her the prof would never notice whether she was really part of the class or not. We took notes and drank Starbucks. it was a good time and it made class a lot more interesting.
Term two over all has been great. More stressful with stats, a lot more stressful with stats. but good. It's warming up and I'm looking forward to spring it always brings such a new freshness and a bright outlook. I am in love with Spring. It also helps that April is my birthday :). Anyway, I should return to my stats to make sure I do well on my next test...oh boy... Will write soon.
As of last Friday I am officially an applicant of the Faculty of Social Work and I'm excited/apprehensive for this. Mostly because I'm not sure what I'd really like to get into in the end. I know I want to help people but I'm not sure with doing what, I just feel like it might be the right thing to do and where God wants me, so c'est la vie, there it is. I'm still thinking about going back to camp for the summer...not sure where I stand on it right now though...
I've been doing some song writing in my spare time..which isn't much, but I've come up with a few good songs...so that's been good. I've really come to love living in Winnipeg. I love the U of M and the people I've met there, the atmosphere and just life. It's warming up outside which make my half hourish walks to school much nicer, because there is nothing glamorous about walking to school in -40 degree weather with a big sweater, winter jacket, 2 pairs of tights, 2 scarfs, 2 pairs o' mittens,toque and 2 pairs o' socks. BUT I was warm and it was a lot free-er(sp?) than taking the bus! So yes, I am very thankful for spring! :)
My evening class has been pretty spectacular so far. It's pretty much a class where we sit around and counsel each other! Needless to say we've worked out a lot of problems together..ha...it's been good times.
I've been to The Meeting Place now and it is Spectacular, like truly. I Love that church. It's awesome. Drew Brown who leads worship there is super talented and it's amazing worshiping there. The messages are great and always seem to be applicable to my life. I love TMP.
I received a Starbucks gift card for Christmas(thanks Carilee!!) which has been put to great use. My flavor of the month is Half-sweet,Skinny,Cinnamon Dolce Latte it's superb. But my true favorite is still a Peppermint Mocha.
Favorite thing of the month. My mom came into the city this past week and she came with me to my Native Studies class and it was fun! She found it really interesting when i told her the prof would never notice whether she was really part of the class or not. We took notes and drank Starbucks. it was a good time and it made class a lot more interesting.
Term two over all has been great. More stressful with stats, a lot more stressful with stats. but good. It's warming up and I'm looking forward to spring it always brings such a new freshness and a bright outlook. I am in love with Spring. It also helps that April is my birthday :). Anyway, I should return to my stats to make sure I do well on my next test...oh boy... Will write soon.
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