I believe unconditionally that God speaks to His people. Not only that, I also believe that He speaks to His people in a way or "language" that they will understand best. A huge tool that God uses is the bible, in which the truth flows from. Here it soaks into the lives and then soars out the mouths of the people who love Him. So whether it is mainly through scripture that He speak to you, or maybe through books you read, people you speak with or stories you hear, God speaks his truth into our lives everywhere. All you have to do listen. And because I believe that God speaks my language, I believe that sometimes He speaks to me through music.
I was asked some time ago to think of a song in my life that would best describe where I am at with my walk with God. After pausing to pray and sift through my mental soundtrack, I found a winner. We were sharing songs as a group of girls and one by one each girl shared their song. Suddenly, I became quite uncomfortable with the song that I felt best fit where I was at. Each girl picked some praise and worship song that spoke perfectly into their lives and mine was definitely not. Not that my choice was terrible, but it was not Christian. It was country. Take me There- Rascall Flatts because I love country music. This song spoke to every part of my being at that moment in time. And I know that God was speaking to me through it.
There's a place in your heart where nobody's been.
Take me there.
Things nobody knows, not even your friends.
Take me there.....
I wanna know, everything about you.
And I wanna go, down every road you've been.
God wanted and still wants me to Take Him There. Take Him to every part of my being, not just a little, but every aspect of what makes me, me. At that moment in my life, I wasn’t always willing to show and give God all of my life and He was asking, no, begging me to show Him. Love Him. Choose Him. He wants to know everything about me. So I’ve shown Him... because I want to give Him my all, not just a little piece.
P.s. Was this song written about some girl/significant other? Yes, however God is my 'significant other' in this song. I'm also not trying to use this as an excuse to be okay with listening to any type of music because God might be 'speaking' to me through it. 'Cause I know that there are certain songs that I should not listen to. But I'm opening my mind to the ways that God could be speaking to me through, as long as I'm listening and it is according to His truth.
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