Friday, February 11, 2011

Grace finds Beauty...

I've been thinking/working a lot this week on how my words and attitudes affect myself as well as other people. For some reason, all this thinking about it and working on my life has been unintentional. It's like little thoughts just pop in my mind after I have said or thought things. It's strange. But I like it. I had a tough week this week. I realized a bunch of things about my life and just a lot of things just didn't go the way I hoped. It was almost as if I had hit a brick wall. I felt it coming for a while but I didn't stop it either. Somehow though, I'm thankful for it. I think sometimes we need brick walls to kick us back into reality. Keep us in check. It made me look to God even more to make sure he was leading my life and not me. wow. Yeah, I'm just glad this week is over. I'm really not sure about the future and where it's going to lead me but I decided that's okay. Okay I guess that was huge side note there...but anyways back to words and attitudes that I've been working on. God has been teaching me a lot about grace. How no matter what I do, he'll still love me. This makes me seek him more because I know His love is so great. I've come to know even more this week how a life full of grace is a life that chooses to be so accepting and joyful. God doesn't pick and choose and neither should I. He loves us all. Anyways that was my 2 cents for the week.. A good thing of this week I guess is that I decided finally what my tattoo is going to look like. and it is going to be rockin'. I'm keeping it a secret though. I'm pumped. stay sweet blog world. Thanks for readin'.

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