Wow, I have not kept up with the blogger world...booo. It's almost Christmas Holiday and I have yet to write anything about my university adventures or anything about summer. At this moment I am sitting in Dafoe..studying...yah right. I have a final this afternoon, But I don't really care. ha. terrible attitude I know. I got in really late last night. Too much 'studying' at Starbucks and Tim's with a friend. I am exhausted. This Term is over and it FLEW by, It's actually nuts. My week was filled with Psychology, Sociology, English, a Human Development course, and Social Welfare Policy Analysis. It's been a good, quite awesome time. I've learnt A LOT.
I'm living in a house with 4 other girls, for this month 5 with my sister. On friday I am finally done for the term! yay! I almost have an entire month off. Which is unreal. I'm planning to go for my BSW, at least that's the plan. My plans tend to change, but right now I know I love helping people, making change and I think this is a good place to start. This past summer I helped out at Camp, working as an LDP assistance, which was incredible, it was a great summer, and i'm tinkering with the idea of going back, but I'm really not sure where God wants me to go. I have lots of plans for Fall, but I need to choose like one...ha. In May, I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to Africa through Empower a Child, but as of yet I have No money to do so. So job searching is in the mix for me for the near future...we'll see where God leads. Cause I'd like to keep my GPA pretty high because the faculty is pretty competitive.
As for life spiritually its been pretty good. My eyes have been opened quite a bit since school and that's been actually quite great, God's been soo faithful and I'm so glad I'm able to have this faith in such a disastrous world. Winnipeg is definitely and interesting place. I've been attending Fort Garry MB for church on sundays, which has been great, a little too conservative for what I'm used to but it's still good. I'd like to check out The Meeting Place but I think it's a wicked long bus ride from my place on a sunday morning. I love the city though, it's really a good experience. I wouldn't say I'd want to live here for my life..I'm more of a country type-a girl. but you never know where the wind will blow..or where God pushes me to go. I just hope right now I'm headed in the right direction.
Wow. I'm so tired. This blog may be ALL over the place, it's kinda just a short update about life and where I'm at. If any of you are EVER in the city, give me a shout and We'll party. Stop by starbucks, which also has become my study place of choice.Peppermint Mocha? best holiday coffee ever.
U of M has So many people it's ridiculous, every day you have the opportunity to meet someone new. This morning as I was getting my coffee, I was getting some cream and standing beside a lady, who on the outside looked pretty grouchy and interesting you could say. Well I simply asked her if she'd like a stir stick for her coffee and cream and she lit up, like her whole face changed and was the kindest lady ever. How easy is it to just walk across the room or to make a simply gesture of kindness and it reminds you that you know what, people are amazing. They are not what you always judge them to be(btw bad idea). Anyways, it just made my day. U of M is fan-flippin'-tastic. I'm excited for a break, but super excited to come back. Bring on the holiday though, cause i'm exhausted. I'm out. God Bless.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
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