Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Big Picture.

...life has this weird habit of creating twists and turns in places where you really...i mean REALLY don't want them, like what i mean is..the one thing you didn't want to happen..does..just like life is out to get you or something and there you are...standing..all alone..your life...previously going all according to your very own master plan..is suddenly an inconvenient disaster...though i like to think things are a lot more important than they really are...and i most likely read into things way more than i should...life just seems to disappoint more then just often these days...i shouldn't be complaining this is true.. i have a roof over my head don't I? I mean a lot of the times i think i just get lost in the amount of emotions and simple..way simple stresses of normal life and miss the Big picture...as of now..life is complicated..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.