Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Summer sends it's love to you...

Writing things out paper is so much easier than getting thoughts across out loud. For me at least anywayFor instance, I have undo, copy, paste, cut, backspace and time at my fingertips. All these things I can use to edit, articulate and put perfectly into words what I had in my mind to say and then put out there into space. I write a blog not so people can listen to me actually, as selfish as it is I write it for me. Most of the times I think it's just to clear my mind of the things that have been floating around in it, sometimes it's encouragement I've found in my week that I want to share, sometimes it’s a stress reliever and sometimes it's an update for family or friends. But again, I have always been better at articulating my words on paper than I have been in front of one person or many people. That's why I love this blog and that is why I love writing. I don't particularly enjoy writing papers right now after almost finishing my eleventh paper since January, but I love to write whatever I'd like to talk about right on this page. Just sayin'.

On a hugely different note, Spring is HERE! or so I hope. It was plus 4 today and it was wonderful. Also, I find it funny(maybe you won't but I do) that when it gets to the plus temperatures we begin to walk around in t-shirts and by slushies’ (may happen year round) and people in Florida at this temperature bring out the toques and parkas. Oh Canada. I love you. I love this warm weather, puddles and everything to do with spring. I've had the same Sherwood song in my head all week "The summer sends it's love to you..the same time every year.." and i think it's very fitting since summer is coming our way! woo! This is my favorite time of year. It may be wet and slightly inconvenient but I do love it. And to top it off It's my sweet sweet nephew's 2nd birthday on Monday and we get to celebrate on Sunday. Wow am I excited to see that little peanut!

On another little update, This week has been fantastic. I have gotten so much done that I almost have only my exams left to prepare for because all my papers are almost all done. At this moment folks, for me, that is the definition of fabulous.

I should probably head to bed though, class in the morning. Spread the love & Thanks for readin’ blog world. Stay sweet.

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